Soniton Ulu is a remote village in the district of Marudu City. It is sparsely populated with about 20 to 30 people only. The distance to the village is about 25 kilometers from the town center, 16 kilometers from bandau town and 9 kilometers from the tandek town. The majority of the population are ethnic Dusun Kimaragang and they have embraced the Christianity, but there are still some people who do not have a religion or referred to as Pagans.
Academically, almost all of them have only at the primary level of education and some have never went to school. However, they specialize in many types of herbal plants in the wild, which can treat a variety of ailments such as stomach pain, vomiting, or even be used as an antidote to a poison sting by an insect or venomous animal.
However, herbal plants, not effective in treating chronic diseases like cancer. There are also many obstacles in getting to the hospital, from transportation issues to having little money.
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